
Por causa da visita do Papa, gerou-se muita discussão, que inevitavelmente. levou à discussão sobre a inquisição.
Como muitos tratam o assunto tu cá tu lá, aqui fica o meu insignificante contributo.

No Apologies #114: The Spanish Inquisition In Context

No Apologies #115: Myths of the Spanish Inquisition

Anti-Catholicism: The Inquisition

Um extra
The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II !

Para podermos por um pouco as coisas em perspectiva, não para desculpabilizar, desvalorizar, escamotear, ou outra qualquer hipótese, para contextualizar com os tempos que se viviam, a reconquista, os perigos que os árabes ainda representavam, etc, existem à volta de 5,000 execuções documentadas, enquanto que durante os mesmos séculos, os protestantes, queimaram à volta de 150,000 “bruxas”.
"Only in Rome has the colony of Jews continued its existence since before the beginning of the Christian era, because of all the dynasties of Europe, the Papacy not only refused to persecute the Jews of Rome and Italy, but throughout the ages popes were protectors of the Jews.
"Some Jews have the feeling that the Papacy has a policy of persecuting Jews. But you must remember that English history is definitely anti-Catholic' and your views of Catholicism may have been colored by English history. We Jews who have suffered so much from prejudices, should rid our minds of prejudices and learn the facts. The truth is that the popes and the Catholic Church from the earliest days of the Church were never responsible for physical persecution of Jews and only Rome, among the capitals of the world, is free from having been a place of Jewish tragedy. For this we Jews must have gratitude" (Feb. 25th, 1927).
Dr. Cecil Roth

Livro muito bom.
Isabella of Spain
by William Thomas Walsh

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Diogo disse...

A revisão da História é uma tarefa sem fim. Muita mentira se escreveu.

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