
“The draft resolution from the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men says countries should "decriminalise abortion, if they have not already done so." The Committee also recommended that sex education be made mandatory for young people.”

-Do tipo; a partir dos três meses devem os progenitores, para além dos vizinhos, amigos e demais interessados, massajar o clitóris das meninas, e a partir dos 2 anos sujeitarem-se à lavagem cerebral de que a homossexualidade, etc, é normal, aconselhável até ser obrigatória... Quiçá até não se começa a introduzir a ideia de que a pedófila é aceitável...

“Like most international and pan-European bodies, the Council of Europe is known among life and family advocates for its strong secularist bias and support for the full programme of the abortion and pan-sexualist movement and anti-Christian bias.”

“The Council of Europe, not to be confused with the Council of the European Union, which is the EU's legislature, is the body that founded the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, but has no juridical force over EU member states. The Council of Europe, with 47 current member nations, is the oldest European transnational body, founded after WWI with the endorsement of Winston Churchill, among others.”

“"Lesbian and gay people have the same fundamental rights as anyone else," he added.”

-Mais um. O direito de impingir ao resto da sociedade, com a ajuda de muitos, e muitos interesses obscuros, que o comportamento homossexual é normal, restando aos outros o direito de aceitar incondicionalmente. Ou seja, o direito a serem subjugados por uma minoria de comportamento sexual anormal.

EU to force Poland, Malta, Italy to recognize gay “marriage”

“A new law coming into effect today effectively orders the countries of the Union to “facilitate” homosexual partners who have “married” in their home countries and want to live or travel in countries where their unions are not legally recognized.”

“The law is intended to allow EU citizens to move around the Union as freely as they do within their own countries. The directive means that citizens within the EU will no longer be obliged to obtain a residence permit when moving to another member state. When registering in their new country, homosexual couples may use the European Courts to force sovereign countries to recognize their unions.”

“Although only five EU member states have ratified the decision, European justice commissioner Franco Frattini warned national governments that the law was “immediately applicable” – whether ratified or not.”

“... however, such as Poland, Italy and Malta have resisted the push by lobbyists for “gay marriage” and the threat of coercion, becoming a common method of EU politics, is directed against them.”

“Buttlglione said the EU is advancing a leftist “soft totalitarianism,” that “wants to have a state religion. It is an atheist, nihilistic religion - but it is a religion that is obligatory for all.””

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