
The new job of politicians: Selling fear and nightmares

H. Duthel, BBC 59 min 12 sec - Nov 5, 2006

From Kissingers Global Society, to the Bilderberg Organisation, the Necon's wish to cerate a new World order under the guidance of the United States. From Nixon, Kissinger until George W. Bush, since `Gladio', a state-sponsored terrorist network organisation operating in Europe the Neocon's sees a better world by eliminating 80% of the population as suggested by Henry Kissinger, build a ‘European Union’ under the guidance of the United States or delegates like T. Blair… Today, peoples, citizens are ‘free’, Communist ideologies has failed and right wing politicians or Military Juntas are not seen as ideology or doctrines, as a danger against the Neocon’s. The Bilderberg Group, which includes the richest and must powerful peoples on this globe, from Rothschild to Kissinger (again) from ex Word bank President to European Royal Houses, when they secretly meet, they are protected from all secret services, national polices and don’t be surprised to even the ex Social Democrat Chancellor G. Schroeder between them. The meetings to Bilderberg is like in old days a secret meeting of all Mafia Bosses from around the world, today they are political leaders, Chairman’s, Royal Houses, Prince and Princess and all Bank and Oil business, exempt Arab leaders. What they talk about during their annual meeting? Who will be the next President in this or the other country, where to start the next war, who is next who must be ‘gone’? Since the end of communism, this Group has one goal. World domination under ‘their’, control and rules. Working class? I don’t believe this word will ever be mentioned in any of these meetings.

“... a new World order under the guidance of the United States.” - Não tenho tanta certeza. Apesar desta “coisa”, é interessante.

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