
“A Dinamarca introduziu o que se acredita ser o primeiro imposto do mundo de gordura - uma sobretaxa sobre os alimentos que são ricos em gordura saturada.”
Claro que os políticos não estão interessados na saúde das pessoas, mas sim em mais dinheiro e mais invasão na privada das pessoas.

Scientists develop new bird flu strain yhat “cloud kill millions””
A solução decente para com estes cientistas?... cana com eles!

Investigators have found that in 2007 the German Intelligence Service (BND) destroyed files of 250 BND employees who had been in the Nazi SS or Gestapo.”
“The files were destroyed because they were not deemed to be worth keeping, the BND said.”
Claro claro...

"We are taking the best gear, the best technology on the market to date and giving it to guys known to stab us in the back," Sgt. Meyer wrote to Bobby McCreight, his supervisor, according to the lawsuit. "These are the same people killing our guys."”

“In a historic blow to the big banks, a federal judge this week issued a landmark decision by shutting down Citigroup Inc’s offer of settling Securities and Exchange Commission complaints with a measly $285 million.
The SEC and Citigroup stood to cut a deal that would keep the banking giant from admitting that they defrauded investors in the financial scandal that helped cause the great recession of three years earlier. U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff rejected Citigroup’s proposed $285 settlement, however, dismissing the offer as "pocket change to any entity as large” as them.”

“An immigrant group based in Bern has called for the emblematic white cross to be removed from the Swiss national flag because as a Christian symbol it “no longer corresponds to today’s multicultural Switzerland.””

Depois de tudo isto lembrei-me do vídeo que segue; Quem são os verdadeiros piratas.
Pois bem. Provavelmente até são os grupos somalis, que pedem resgate pelos barcos sequestrados, mas os outros que o autor do vídeo quer dar a entender que são os verdadeiros piratas, não o são. São é criminosos!

A verdade sobre os “piratas” da Somália. Saiba quem realmente são os piratas.

Episode 216 Keiser report (mais sobre fraudes pelos cabeçilhas financeiros)

Texto e vídeo que ajudam a desnudar o que é a U.R.S.E.
In order to create the European Union it became necessary for its major proposers and supporters to undermine the democracy of the people. It stole its authority by ignoring the will of the people in various referenda. Now, in order to save its flawed currency, it seeks to make itself immune from the rule of law.”
Article 125
(ex Article 103 TEC)
1. The Union shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central governments, regional,
local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of any
Member State, without prejudice to mutual financial guarantees for the joint execution of a specific
project. A Member State shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central governments,
regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public
undertakings of another Member State, without prejudice to mutual financial guarantees for the
joint execution of a specific project.

Mas para não serem só tristezas.
Klaus Dona : The Hidden History of the Human Race (March 2010)

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