“Prova de rendimentos dos beneficiários passa a ser entregue pela internet.”
-Penso que deviam esforçar-se um pouco mais, para evitar, que mais pessoas se candidatem.
“... os testes de stresse do sistema bancário europeu, que têm dado conforto ao mercado.”
-Correcção: Têm dado a ilusão de conforto.
“Para já os portugueses terão de se começar a preparar para a subida de juros. É que, "embora seja ligeira, em conjunto com as medidas de austeridade - subida do IVA, aumento da taxa de retenção da fonte, incremento da inflação e salários congelados -, acabam por retirar poder de compra às famílias e ter um impacto maior", concluiu Filipe Garcia.”
-Correcção: não são medidas de austeridade, porque a bandalheira continua. São medidas de extorsão, claro está, porque a bandalheira continua.
Allan Sharif: 17 anos de cadeia por burla e extorsão.
Porque será que a justiça só funciona para um lado?
Tenho estado a ler um livro, O Ódio Mais Longo, algo estranho (o conteúdo lol), escrito em 1926 no entanto surpreendeu-me.
On June 25th, 1863, the Rothschild Brothers sent a letter to Messrs Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould at No. 3 Wall Street, New York, which included the following passage setting out the system by which Banks monopolize the creation, control and distribution of the nation’s money from nothing and charge exorbitant interest to borrow it:
“The few who understand the system ... will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand the great body of people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps even without suspecting that the system is inimical to them.”
Reginald McKenna, one-time Chancellor of the Exchequer and a Chairman of the Midland Bank, addressing a meeting of Bank shareholders in 1920 confirmed that the Bankers control the Government and direct its policy:
“... And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.”
Knupffer explained how the Bankers printed and issued banknotes, most of which was ‘book-entry’ money, passed on by cheque. (Over 90% of all payments nowadays are by cheque or credit card). He went on to state:
“The Bank of England ... was the first payment institution which was legally empowered to issue state-authorised paper currency and, therefore, the Government itself became its debtor. Thus the State not only renounced its monopoly on monetary emission, but also agreed to borrow the privately-created money from the bankers... Not only the thing being done, but even the very name was a deliberate fraud and deception to conceal the essence of the deed. To create money out of nothing is to make valid and effective claim on all goods and services for no return, which is a fraud and theft, made worse by the circumstances that the money is lent out at interest ... it follows that those who have the power to ‘create’ out of nothing all the money in each country and the whole world and lend it as stated, have total power over all states, parties, firms, radio, press, individuals and so on. Therefore the powers or Parliament are largely ephemeral ... The power of Parliament in general, and especially with regard to money, is non-existent, and all the true sovereignty is in the hands of those private individuals who issue all money and determine its value and distribution.”
A racket similar to that operated by the Bank ‘of England’ was set up in the United States of America with the creation of the Federal Reserve Board in 1913. The matter was described in the South African patriotic periodical News of the World as follows:
“Today in America the institution known as the Federal Reserve, which was also created by the International Bankers, carries more power than does either Congress or the President.
In 1916 Woodrow Wilson said:
‘A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men....—and these few men are the heirs of those who long ago laid the foundation for the takeover of the entire world! ... bankers such as the Rockefellers, the House of Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Kuhn Loeb & Co., Lehman Brothers, are among those bankers who have tremendous interest in the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has never had a public audit and all too often has acted in complete defiance of the Constitution of the United States...” It should also be mentioned that membership of the Board of the Federal Reserve has never been divulged officially; and that all the Chief Executive officers of ‘The Fed’ since its formation have been Jews. (Alan Greenspan is the latest.)
ON 22nd DECEMBER 1964 Captain Henry Kirby, M. P., called upon the House of Commons to support the Motion that:
“The continued issue of all the means of exchange—be they coin, bank notes or credit largely passed on by cheque—by private firms as an interest-bearing debt against the public should cease forthwith; that the Sovereign power and duty of issuing money should be returned to the Crown, then be put into circulation free of all debt and interest obligations, as a public service, not as a private opportunity for profit and control for no tangible returns to the British people... so as to assure the State and Nation the benefits of that emission and relieve them of the immense and growing burdens of a parasitical National and private debt; and to make certain that control passes to the taxed and is taken out of the hands of the present hidden unlawful beneficiaries of taxation ... this House calls upon Her Majesty’s Government to introduce the required legislation... to assure unprecedented prosperity with true sovereignty and liberty.”
It was on account of exploits such as this that in 1828 the Whig Member of Parliament for Hertford, T.P. Duncombe, addressed the following comments about Nathan Rothschild to the House of Commons:
“There is—deny it who can—a secret influence behind the Government whose form is never seen, whose name is never breathed, who has access to all the secrets of state and who arranges the sudden springs of Ministerial advancement...
“ ... Closely connected with this invisible, this incorporeal influence stands a more solid and substantial form, a new and formidable power, till these days unknown in Europe; master of unbounded wealth, he boasts that he is the arbiter of peace and war and that the credit of nations depends on his nod; his correspondents are invulnerable; his couriers outrun those of sovereign princes and absolute sovereigns; Ministers of state are in his pay. Paramount in the cabinets of Europe, he aspires to domination of our own ...
“... I trust that the Duke of Wellington and Sir Robert Peel will not allow the finances of this country to be controlled any longer by a Jew.”—Hansard, 2nd. Series, XVIII, 542-3.
The Banks have loaned billions to corrupt Third World countries. Many of these loans are said to have been “written off”. In fact what the Banks have done is cancel some of the debts owed by Third World nations and recoup their losses by upping their charges and interest rates to clients in North America and Europe.
-Ui. Esta bate mesmo à porta.
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