Hitler fala
Como o vídeo está sempre a falhar;
Como o vídeo está sempre a falhar;
Banking with Hitler
B.I.S. - Bank os International Settlements
“Trading with the enemy - the whole storyA World War II Central Bank / Nazi Gold Controversy”
“Jewish holocaust, Swiss banking privacy, Nazi gold” http://www.ronaldholland.com/tradingwithenemy1.htm
“BIS, Bank for International Settlements, World War Two, 1929 Young Conference, J.P. Morgan”
“Per Jacobson, Emil Puhl, Reichsbank, Federal Reserve, German invasion of Switzerland”
“Why Hitler didn't invade Switzerland, Federal Reserve President Allen Sproul.”
“Nazi gold, Czech gold, Thomas McKittrick, Bretton Woods Conference”
“Emil Puhl, Federal Bank of New York, BIS, Switzerland”
e seguinte
“Dr. Emil Puhl... was director and vice-president of Germany's Reichsbank during World War II and also served as a director for the Bank for International Settlements (BIZ) at Basel (Switzerland).”
Do we really wnat the Bank for Inetrnational Settlements (B.I.S.) issuing our global currency?
By Ellen Brown
“Today the BIS has governmental immunity, pays no taxes, and has its own private police force.”
“When governments fall into the trap of accepting loans in foreign currencies, however, they become “debtor nations” subject to IMF and BIS regulation. They are forced to divert their production to exports, just to earn the foreign currency necessary to pay the interest on their loans.”
Como soa familiar – temos de aumentar as nossas exportações... -
Central Bank Cooperation at the Bank for International Settlements, 1930–1973
The True Story of the Lend Lease
Afinal quem é o nosso escravizador?
Numa boa parte nós! Por pedirmos emprestado para satisfazer as nossas necessidades e, estupidamente, as nossas vaidades. Para além de pormos as nossas poupanças (riquezas), à guarda dos nossos malfeitores. Ou por pura e estúpida ignorância.
Outros, porque uma empresa sem funcionários, pura e simplesmente não funciona.
Outros ainda, os malfeitores, porque sabendo da estupidez humana, montam esquemas para os escravizar.
Votar em políticos escolhidos por outros é outro erro.
A liberdade sempre deu muito trabalho.
E podia estar aqui o dia todo a esmiuçar isto tudo, mas tenho mais que fazer.
Stalin, the Nazis and the West
Sempre se aproveita alguma coisa.
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