

“The “swine flu” vaccine contains ingredients that impair fertility.

Daniel Solis from the Czech Republic has researched the side-effects of the adjuvant, squalene, and discovered it is known to destroy fertility as well as causing other forms of damage.

A patent for a vaccine to impair fertility in animals contains squalene.

The plan to use this fertility-impairing adjuvant in the “swine flu” vaccine against a flu that has so far been far less irksome than the ordinary seasonal flu underscores concerns that this H1N1 mass vaccination programme mandated by WHO with the support of pharma companies such as Baxter is designed primarily to cause death and injury, and so significantly reduce the global population.

Is it any wonder that these “vaccines” are classified as bioweapons by the regulators?”



BANCO DE SEMENTES - Caverna do Árctico


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